
A Strong Foundation For Startups

Houston Business Litigation Lawyer > BUSINESS LAW ATTORNEYS > A Strong Foundation For Startups

Texas has earned a reputation as a business-friendly state. As a result, many entrepreneurs seek to establish a startup here. Similarly, many business entities wish to open a new location or branch or relocate permanently to our state.

To ensure that you start your business on a strong foundation, receive our wise legal counsel at Murrah & Killough, PLLC. We work with clients across a spectrum of industries to establish operations in Texas. With a detailed and practical knowledge of business law, commercial real estate and other relevant fields, our firm can help your business capitalize on the Texas market.

How Murrah & Killough, PLLC, Can Strengthen You

The legal counsel that you select can make or break your company. It is critical to cross your t’s and dot your i’s for your startup to have long-lasting success. At Murrah & Killough, PLLC, we provide a full range of services to start your business off on the right foot:

Startups have numerous moving parts. We help you coordinate each one.

Do You Want In-House Counsel Without The Cost?

Every fledgling company would benefit from in-house counsel, but few can afford the expensive rates. One of the most appealing advantages that we at Murrah & Killough, PLLC, provide is our background as in-house counsel. With attorneys who have direct experience serving as in-house counsel to private companies in Texas, we offer similar services at a small fraction of the cost.

Start On A Strong Foundation

Reach out to our business law team to discuss how we can ensure your startup begins on the right foot. Schedule your initial consultation at our offices in Houston or Monterrey, Mexico. To schedule your consultation, call 281-501-1601 or send us an email.

Practice Areas

Civil and Commercial Litigation
Civil and Commercial Litigation
Business Transactions
Business Transactions
Family Law
Family Law
Probate & Estate Planning
Probate & Estate Planning

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